"Every age has its storytelling form...

...and video gaming is a huge part of our culture." Andy Serkis Oh gosh now's my time! I LOVE historical gaming. Not that I really participate or anything, it's just a wild thought that you can sneak historical learning into a game just like how you sneak vegetables into a little kids penne pasta. Blog Meister Jessica presenting a poster on gaming and interactive exhibits as undergrad research *Fun fact, I didn't know that was the dean of the college of Arts and Sciences* The first time I can recall any sort of relationship being made between history and gaming was when I was a senior sitting in my high-school military history class. My teacher was awesome, in fact, it's probably his fault I majored in history at all. Anyway, we were talking about a certain British officer and to make a connection to my class (who were mostly guys, cause, military) he mentioned how in Assassins creed III, a mission was to assassinate said officer. Wait, characters in g...