"As long as I live…

… I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can." John Muir This week in my public history class, we discussed the topic of environmental history, a topic that I find fascinating, but I usually reserve as a casual interest of mine. If you caught my podcast episode, you’ll remember it was on milkweed and how it’s presence in the town of Petoskey, Michigan caused it to be one of the best materials for life vests in WWII and I may have mentioned the tragic Johnstown Flood in one of my posts as well. I’ll be honest, our readings this week were absolutely FULL of mentions of Pennsylvania (by normal standards) including one written by my undergraduate advisor. I think I counted around 5 or 6 mentions of my home state (one of them mentioned Amish farmland so I’m just going to count that as a win). It’s no surprise, there’s a lot of, well...